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  • 联系人:陈先生
  • 电话:023-62767686
  • 手机:13370761542
  • 传真:023-62950226
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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应吉隆牌本田战鹰CBF125点火器
产 品: 浏览次数:720供应吉隆牌本田战鹰CBF125点火器 
品 牌: 吉隆 毒蜂  
单 价: 80.00元/只 
最小起订量: 100 只 
供货总量: 1000 只
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
更新日期: 2014-06-13 15:32  有效期至:长期有效
 The business passed ISO9001-2008 international quality management system certification , stable and reliable product quality, the company main products are high-end motorcycle electronic ignition , voltage regulators, relays, ignition coil, flasher and so on. New product development, design . Tel : 13370761542 .

Kuala Electric Company has more than 15 years of professional production and sales of motorcycles five electrical companies , the production of patented products 1 ( multifunction smart fuel ignition ) : You can significantly improve 20-30 per km per hour, with an infinite speed , accelerate quickly, strong power, low idle cold start explosive characteristics of different brands can be modified to adapt to a variety of models. 2 switching regulator saving : Normal ( short-circuiting ) after the regulator to the battery is fully charged to continue to work , the excess energy through a bleed resistor to go to waste away. And after my company produces switching regulator to charge the battery fully charged automatically closed circuit , magneto stator coil it into a resting state , the output power of the engine is reduced to zero , its fuel consumption, temperature, noise is also reduced accordingly. Battery needs to be charged , when I switch rectifier will automatically resume charging. Our energy-efficient switching regulator Highlights: lower fuel consumption, low heat, protecting the battery. Fortune 023 -62,767,686 Mobile Agent Phone 13399854958 Contact: Mr. Chen Website :www.cqjilong.com.cnhttp://cqjilong888.cn.alibaba.com

Geelong man mission is : a man , a lifetime , one more thing. Electric motorcycle , doing fine ! Stronger ! So long !

本企业通过ISO9001-2008国际质量管理体系认证,生产的产品质量稳定可靠,本企业主要生产的产品有高端摩托车的电子点火器,调压器,继电器,点火线圈,闪光器启动电机等。提供新产品开发,设计。支持OEM生产定制 。

吉隆电器公司具备15年以上专业生产销售摩托车五大电器的公司,生产的专利产品1.(智能节油多功能点火器):可以明显提高20至30每公里时速,具备无限速、加速快、动力强、怠速低冷启动一触即发等特点 可以适应改装不同品牌的各种车型。2.雅马哈系列电子点火器,本田系列电子点火器,比亚乔系列电子点火器,百佳吉BAJAJ系列电子点火器,铃木系列电子点火器,巴基斯坦系列电器等。财富代理电话:023-62767686 手机13399854958联系人:陈先生  网站:www.cqjilong.moto188.com   http://cqjilong888.cn.alibaba.com
